As You Can see Now there are No More Pictures for people to Copy and Post On other website to use to sell there Armor.
I found too many people doing this with out asking me.
They Do Not Have My Permission to Do So.
All Rights Reserved to the owner (TK1336) And use of them without my permission is Forbidden
Now for the People who Took pictures from this site and are using them to sell there armor without asking or just using
them On your own website.
Why is it you don't use your own to begin with?
Why do you have to use mine ???
If you purchased your armor you should take pictures of your own Armor and Not Use Mine....
After All The pictures are not Of your Armor But Mine.
If People would ask,
That would be the Best Way.
Because a website is on the net that does not Give anyone the right to do it with out asking and tring to justify it
By saying:
"Well if you did not want people to take them you should not have put them out on the net"
That just shows a lack of Respect in that person.
"Which is Bad that it is a 501st Member"
Do you want me to Put your name and TD/TK# for everyone to see how much of an ASS you are.
Now That's All I will Say on that Matter....
Looking To Buy a Good Set Of Armor Not Cheep Ebay junk, just go to Check it out...
You can find out about StormTrooper
AP Armor and Helmets (Best Of The Best)
TE2 Armor & Helmet
FX Armor & Helmet
All about the SandTrooper armor and where to get the backpacks, etc.
And Lots More like:
TuskenRaider Masks (Godzilla kit) or (JP kit)
Jawas Robes etc.
Darth Vader Helmets and Armor.
Even The Collectors Favorite Darth Vader Helmet Made By SPFX.